Are you ready to massively improve your grades and reduce your stress?

“99.4 ATAR Student reveals his 7-step system to easily boost your grades AND get more time for your social life, hobbies, and sleep!”

Get ready to supercharge your study skills in just 7 days – without needing extreme discipline or willpower. 

Dear Student,

There's a dangerous myth you may have heard...

Maybe from your teachers, parents, or even your fellow students.

Here it is:

"You must work hard to do well at school."

Sure, there’s *some* truth to this. If you do zero homework and zero study, you’ll fail.

But in my experience of achieving a 99.4 ATAR and teaching 800+ students through my courses, I can tell you this:

It's not about 'studying hard.'

It's about 'studying smart.'

Don’t believe me? 

That’s okay. Back in Year 9, I wouldn’t have believed it, either. 

When I was in Year 9, I did my homework, but I never studied. 

(Some quick definitions: homework = compulsory work given by your teacher. Study = self-guided revision to reinforce key concepts and prepare for tests.)

See, I always thought that study was painful, difficult, and required too much hard work. 

But every belief has a cost.

And this belief was costing me a lot. 

I was a decent student, but in Year 9 my grades were slipping.

In Biology, I was averaging in the low 60s. 

And my grades were only heading in one direction:


Halfway through the year, my Biology teacher sat me down with my parents. He said that unless I started to do regular study, things would only get worse.  

I was filled with dread. 

“Studying? Isn’t that supposed to be really hard?”

And, yes – it was. 

I spent the next few years struggling through all sorts of study techniques and systems. 

At first, I thought I just had to work hard and do more:

    More flashcards.

    More notes pages. 

    More reading.

    More writing.

I worked ridiculously hard. 

And while this led to a slight improvement, I kept wondering:

Why does this have to be hard?

What would this look like if it were easy?

After experimenting with so many different study tactics, I asked myself:

    What tactics helped me improve my grades the most?

    What tactics were a waste of time?

As a result, I went from scoring in the low 60% range in Year 9, to:

    Scoring in the 80-90% range in Year 12.

    Winning 3 university scholarships.

    Graduating with a 99.4 ATAR.

Best of all? In Year 12, my simple study system allowed me to:

    Never work later than 9pm. 

    Average 9 hours of sleep each night. 

    Train for sport twice a week, with games on Saturday. 

    Do about 150 hours of volunteering and community service.

    Have plenty of time to hang out with my friends. 

Now, I’m not saying this to show off.

I'm saying this to show you what's possible. 

Because once you develop a highly effective study system, you'll be getting more work done in less time.

And this means you’ll have the time and freedom to do things you actually want to do. 

Does that sound like something you want?

If so, keep reading – because I’m about to explain how you can get this system working in your own life (without going through the struggles I experienced). 

You’re here because your school results aren’t where you want them to be. Don’t worry. You’re about to change that.

  • Maybe you want to study, but you keep procrastinating instead. (“I just can’t make myself start working!”)

  • Maybe you’re struggling to juggle your homework, assignments, and tests. (“Why are they all due in the same week!”)

  • Maybe you’re already putting in a backbreaking amount of work, but you’re still getting bad grades. (“No matter what I try, I just can’t get good marks!”)

  • Or maybe you’re already doing okay…but you want to grow. You want to prove to yourself that you have no limits. (“I want to challenge myself to go to the next level!”

Whatever you want, I have good news for you:

You can get it.

And I'm about to show you how. 

While your classmates are working late into the night and frantically reading notes before a test, you'll walk into the classroom with a smile on your face. 

Because you’ve deployed a simple study system that means you can enter tests with confidence.

You’ll be in control of your destiny and a sense of calmness will fill your body.

The answers will come to you like magic. 

Heck, you’ll enjoy writing your answers, because you’re good at this.

And when you get your tests back with amazing grades written on the front …

And your teachers and parents tell you how proud they are …

And your happiness, self-esteem, and confidence explodes through the roof …

Your classmates will wonder if you cheated – because surely no one can get such incredible results while also having plenty of time to socialise, pursue their hobbies, and get plenty of sleep?

Nope. No cheating here. Just skill.

And it all starts by joining Study Smarter, Not Harder.

'Study Smarter, Not Harder' is an online course that will teach you the exact system I used to go from scoring in the low 60s to graduating with a 99.4 ATAR – while also having plenty of time for everything else in my life. 

By the end of Study Smarter, Not Harder, you’ll learn how to get more done in 1 hour than most students get done in 4.

This will lead to huge improvements in your grades.

Not only that, but you’ll also reduce your stress and have way more time to enjoy life

And the cool thing is, you:

  • Don’t need tons of willpower.

  • Don’t need extreme discipline.

  • Don’t need to drink 4 cups of coffee to become some hyperactive productivity monkey.

Imagine someone trying to lift a 200kg box with just their bare hands. 

Pretty hard, right?

Now image someone with a lever

It’ll be much easier for them to lift the box, because the lever is doing most of the work.

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”

― Archimedes

Most students are trying to ‘lift the box’ with just their bare hands. 

They’re working hard. 

They’re ‘grinding.’

But they’re probably not making much progress with their grades. 

Once you start applying the 'Study Smarter, Not Harder' system, you’ll be working with a lever. 

You’ll be using only a fraction of the same energy to get much better outcomes. 

You’ll be working smart. 

And even though you’re doing less work …

… you’ll be getting better results. 

Module 1: How to Study Effectively

  • How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself

  • The Mindset Secret That Creates Incredible Growth

  • Hard vs. Effective Work

  • The #1 Most Effective Way to Study

Module 2: Writing Great Notes Pages

  • How to avoid common note-making mistakes

  • My step-by-step system to easily create effective notes

  • Example note pages from A-grade students

Module 3: Mastering Your Memory.

  • Understanding the science of memory

  • A simple daily exercise to supercharge your memory

  • How to build a ‘second brain’ for long-term memory storage

  • My foolproof, easy system for memorising key content for tests and exams

Module 4: Hacking Your Habits

  • Why we do what we do: the simple psychology that informs our habits

  • Why ‘willpower’ is a myth (and what you should do instead)

  • How to break bad habits (not through ‘brute force,’ but by working with your body’s natural rhythms)

  • The ridiculously easy way to form great habits that improve your life

Module 5: Taming Your Stress

  • Why it’s not (just) about time management – it’s about ENERGY management, too.

  • The counterintuitive way to solve the mind’s problems (and why it’s NOT with the mind)

  • Developing sure-fire, long-term solutions to escaping stress (tailored to your specific situation)

  • Practices that elite students use to optimise their performance while also lowering their stress

Module 6: Beating Procrastination & Distraction

  • Understanding your current ‘distraction sources’ so that you can eliminate them

  • Simple principles that will eradicate 80% of your procrastination … without needing any willpower or discipline

  • How to make it easy to do your schoolwork (and hard to waste time on your phone)

  • How to develop laser focus so that you can smash out your schoolwork and have more time to do the things you actually want to do

Module 7: Crushing Your Tests

  • Common test preparation mistakes that kill student success

  • The right way to prepare for a test

  • A secret test-day tactic to get an advantage – BEFORE you even enter the classroom (most students sabotage themselves by doing the exact opposite of this!)

  • Using reading time effectively (plus: some ninja tricks to give you a massive head start once reading time is over)

  • Applying the ‘Pareto Principle’ to easily pass with a minimum of effort

  • My proven system for understanding questions (so that you can write the correct answers)

  • How to finish without running out of time

I know you’re busy. That’s why I’ve condensed my knowledge down to the quickest, easiest, most effective lessons possible.

And since you get immediate, lifetime access to all videos and resources in the course, you can complete it at a different schedule if you want (i.e. all in one go, or longer over a few weeks).

Still, I suggest doing 1 module a day, as this will let you complete the whole thing in that 7-day timeframe.

"No matter where your marks or studying skills are this course is perfect for everyone. Not only has it altered my perspective on studying but I've started to pursue my dream hobby of writing."

- Christina B., Year 11 student.

"I’ve never felt more confident going into tests and exams!"

- Jade P., Year 9 student.

"I loved this course. Not only did it help me with my motivation to study and break my habits of procrastination, but it showed me how to change my lifestyle and surroundings to further aid my wellbeing. What I love about this course are the easy to understand video lessons and simple yet effective action steps at the end of each video. Jed was an awesome coach and has a great personality."

- Emanuel E., Year 12 student.

"The advice and strategies that are outlined will help you understand how to improve not only your study habits but habits in your daily life. Jed Herne is clearly a passionate and driven individual who interacts with course takers and keeps the content interesting and energetic."

- Tahliah R., Year 12 student.

"There is a lot of people I know that would really benefit from this course and I am going to recommend it to them because it is such a good course."

- Solomon N., Year 10 student.

"This course has made me realise how easy it is to be motivated to study, I now have the motivation to consistently study every afternoon after school (which never used to happen), and will hopefully start to see change in my results to the point of being proud of the effort I put in for year 12. If you really want to change your study habits I would highly recommend this course."

- Matilda O., Year 12 student.

If you’re not familiar with it, ‘Master Your Motivation’ is a 4-day online course I created to help students transform themselves from being stressed-out procrastinators into becoming calm, confident, high-achieving students.

‘Study Smarter, Not Harder, builds upon the foundations you will develop in ‘Master Your Motivation’.

If you haven’t already done it, I recommend that you start with ‘Master Your Motivation’ before progressing onto ‘Study Smarter, Not Harder’.

>>> Click here to see more details about ‘Master Your Motivation’.

Once you’ve finished ‘Master Your Motivation’, and you’ve used the lessons to develop the drive and passion to succeed at school, then you’re ready to progress into ‘Study Smarter, Not Harder’.

If you have gone through ‘Master Your Motivation’, you’ll know the quality of my courses and my teaching.

‘Study Smarter, Not Harder’, is even more in-depth and advanced. Because it’s longer, I have time to go into more detail, and I cover many things that I never had the space to mention in ‘Master Your Motivation’.

Here’s a simple way to think about it:

'Master Your Motivation' will give you the drive and the fuel to succeed at school. It's a 'mindset' course. It's the '101' or 'foundation' course for school success.

'Study Smarter, Not Harder' will give you the specific study system you need to excel at your subjects. It's a 'tactics' course. It's the '201' or 'intermediate' course for school success.

In the past, students have paid me $1000s of dollars to teach this stuff to them as a tutor.

Was it worthwhile? Heck yes!

My tutoring helped students go from scoring in the low 30% range to instead achieve marks in the high 60s.

And, more importantly, my lessons stopped them from being anxious, stressed-out procrastinators, and instead helped them become confident achievers.  

But even though I could charge well over $300 for the lessons in this course:

The complete 'Study Smarter, Not Harder' course is just $47 for a limited time.

There's also 2 optional upgrade packages, which are explained further below.

Whichever option you pick, you get lifetime access to all future updates - free of charge. 

(And I’ve already done one complete overhaul on the course since it was originally released way back in 2017, which drastically improved the lessons). 

Disclaimer: the price of this course may go up in the future. 

It's already increased significantly from what it originally cost, because of the updates I've made. In the past, I've also had other courses go from $37 to $197 after similar improvements.

So if you think this course would be useful to you, I would suggest getting it today to lock in this price. 

What's more, I'm prepared to make this completely risk-free for you.

'Study Smarter, Not Harder' comes with a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. 

If you go through the course and decide that this isn’t a fantastic investment, just email [email protected] within 60 days of purchase and I'll give you a 100% refund - no questions asked.

You don’t have to explain.

You don’t need to convince me.

Some people might think this is crazy (Jed, what if you get ripped off!?). 

It actually COSTS ME a small transaction fee to deliver refunds. 

But I don't care. My reason is simple:

If this course doesn’t help you do better at school, I don’t want to take your money.

(And that's why I'm giving you a whole 60 days to decide if this course is worthwhile.)

Just for context, only 2 students have ever asked me for a refund across all my courses, which I've been more than happy to deliver. Only 2 refunds out of 800+ total enrolments tells me that I must be doing something right!

What this means is that you can watch every video and get every drop of my knowledge, and if you don’t think I’ve delivered above and beyond, you can still get 100% of your money back.

'Study Smarter, Not Harder' is a 7-day course. You could literally go through the entire thing 8 times, and still get your money back!

THAT is how confident I am in the value of 'Study Smarter, Not Harder'.

And I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is and make this 100% risk-free for you.

So let’s do this!

If you want to further accelerate your success, this upgrade package will give you complete access to the course, along with a 30-minute 1-on-1 private coaching session with myself.

In this session, ask me about anything you want, and I'll provide personalised advice tailored to help you achieve your goals in the fastest and easiest way possible. 

This coaching session will be run via video chat. You can claim this session anytime within a year after joining the course. I'll email you full details about claiming your coaching session once you purchase this package. 

If you want to ensure maximum accountability and results, this upgrade package will give you complete access to the course, along with a 4 lots of 30-minute 1-on-1 private coaching sessions with myself.

In these sessions, we'll develop a tailored plan to help you achieve your goals. By checking in regularly across the 4 sessions, you'll be given maximum support and accountability as you work towards these goals. 

These coaching sessions will be run via video chat. You can claim these sessions anytime within two years after joining the course. I'll email you full details about organising your sessions once you purchase this package.


Most affordable option.

The complete 'Study Smarter, Not Harder' course. Immediately unlock all course contents.


Premium package.

The complete 'Study Smarter, Not Harder' course + a 30 minute 1-on-1 private coaching session with Jed. Immediately unlock all course contents.


Gold package.

The complete 'Study Smarter, Not Harder' course + 4x 30 minute 1-on-1 private coaching sessions with Jed. Immediately unlock all course contents.