Picture this: it's a cold afternoon, and you've just arrived home from school.

You dump your bag on the floor. It makes a heavy thump.

That’s no surprise. There’s a LOT of books inside, because you’ve got a lot of work to do.

And it needs to be done tonight.

Ideally, it needed to be done YESTERDAY. But you procrastinated yesterday, so now you’re behind. Now, that deadline is looking a lot scarier.

Still, it’s alright. You’ll get the work done tonight. You have to, after all.

But first, you’re hungry.

You amble into the kitchen to grab a snack. Hunger – sorted. Now you can study.

You reach down to unzip your bag. Before you can open it, a thought crosses your mind. Weren’t you planning to meet with friends on the weekend?

You slip your phone out of your school pants, then scroll through messages. Cool – it looks like everyone is free. Should be a good day.

A notification buzzes. You glance again at your school bag. You’re going to start working in a second – you really are.

So what’s the harm in quickly scrolling through some feeds?

Before you know it, you’re hungry again. You blink. It’s dinner time. You’ve been on your phone for…an hour? Two?

And that school bag, with all that work you desperately need to complete?

Still unopened.

Uh oh. 

Looks like it’s going to be another long night …

If you’re scrolling through TikTok, watching YouTube, or texting friends when you should be studying, your teachers (and parents) might call you some nasty words.





Heck, if you’ve procrastinated with those activities, maybe you’ve used those words to describe YOURSELF.

Here’s the thing. When you’re on a two-hour YouTube binge, you’re not 'unmotivated.'

You’re extremely motivated – to watch YouTube.

You don’t lack motivation.

No one does.

You already are motivated.

You just need to learn how to DIRECT your motivation to serve you. You need to MASTER YOUR MOTIVATION.

Sounds crazy?

Well, think about it this way: you weren’t BORN as an avid TikTok consumer. You weren’t BORN to enjoy Netflix binges.

So how did you get like that?

Well, somewhere along the way, you began to associate pleasure with those things.

That process goes like this:

  1. You check your phone.
  2. Your best friend just messaged.
  3. It’s funny. A classic inside joke that only you would get.
  4. You smile. Maybe you even laugh.
  5. Smiling and/or laughing releases dopamine (the ‘feel good’ chemical).
  6. Now your brain associates ‘checking my phone’ with ‘feeling good’

Over time, these dopamine hits create habits.

Now, you’re checking your phone every 5 minutes, hoping for another rush. Now, you’re motivated to do a certain action.

Like checking your phone instead of studying … and then failing the test.

Like falling down YouTube rabbit holes instead of doing your assignment … and then having to pull a stressful late-nighter to catch up.

Like turning on Netflix instead of turning on your calculator … and then reaching the end of semester and having to re-learn 10 weeks of content in 3 stressful days.

It’s not all your fault. These companies spend billions of dollars to grab our attention.

Now, there's nothing wrong or evil with social media, the internet, or any other form of distraction - as long as you get to use it on your own terms. 

Unfortunately, unless you master your psychology, you'll continue to let these things control you - rather than the other way around.

What if you could sit down, smash out all your homework in one focussed hour, then do whatever you want for the rest of the night, guilt-free?

What if you could be in the noisiest, most distracting environment imaginable … yet be able to easily focus and get your work done?

What if you could eliminate the stress, anxiety, and shame of procrastinating, because it just wasn’t something you fell victim to?

What if you walked into every test feeling utterly calm, composed, and confident, because you’ve been consistently studying the entire semester?


Transform yourself into a more motivated student in just 4 days. (That's how easy the course is - it takes just 20 minutes of work each day for 4 days to complete all the lessons). Simply click the button to enter the course.

Reviews from my students:

5 star rating

Already creates a vision of success in the first day!!!

Jahliana Noersadi

I have been really focused and enjoying doing the small activities :) and that says a lot coming from a person who's distracted 24/7 . I am actually interest...

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I have been really focused and enjoying doing the small activities :) and that says a lot coming from a person who's distracted 24/7 . I am actually interested and I want to put in the work and endure the pain that surely evolves into pleasure!! I am trusting this process :)

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5 star rating

Great course for those who struggle to study.

Emanuel Eid

I started this course because I had always lacked the motivation to study for my past schooling years and always left school work as a last priority. Now I'm...

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I started this course because I had always lacked the motivation to study for my past schooling years and always left school work as a last priority. Now I'm in year 12 and the problem is still ongoing and with trials approaching in only a few weeks, I knew I had to do something. It was the guilt of wasting my education, parents money and a bright future that scared me. So I opted to do this course hoping to find help. I loved this course. Not only did it help me with my motivation to study and break my habits of procrastination, but it showed me how to change my lifestyle and surroundings to further aid my wellbeing. What I love about this course are the easy to understand video lessons and simple yet effective action steps at the end of each video. Jed was an awesome coach and has a great personality. He explained everything in great detail and explained why and how each step helps. I hope to stay consistent with what I learnt and finish off year 12 in peace rather than filled with guilt and regret.

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4 star rating

Master Your Motivation Review

Solomon Newnham

Master Your Motivation is a great courses that I recommend to anyone the struggles with motivation. One thing really good about it is on the first day, Jed H...

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Master Your Motivation is a great courses that I recommend to anyone the struggles with motivation. One thing really good about it is on the first day, Jed Herne, sent me a personal video thanking me for joining Master Your Motivation. There is a lot of people i know that would really benefit from this course and I am going to recommend it to them because it is such a good course. The only thing about it is it might not be for everyone because I already do a lot of this thing but my problem is i don't have much work to do out side of school but I am going to try to get more. I think next year when i doing harder subject I will come back to this to help motivate me.

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5 star rating

Master Your Motivation

Tahliah Rutherford

In this course, you will learn how to identify adversity and distractions as well as how to overcome these as a student. The advice and strategies that are...

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In this course, you will learn how to identify adversity and distractions as well as how to overcome these as a student. The advice and strategies that are outlined will help you understand how to improve not only your study habits but habits in your daily life. Jed Herne is clearly a passionate and driven individual who interacts with course takers and keeps the content interesting and energetic. I commend him on his efforts on creating this course as there are definitely lessons that everyone can interpret and apply. Thank you Jed, for your sensational course!

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4 star rating

Rating Master your Motivation

Rhyan Bennett

This course really put the things I had been avoiding, in a new light for me. Making it seem less scaring or boring to spend hours each week sitting at my de...

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This course really put the things I had been avoiding, in a new light for me. Making it seem less scaring or boring to spend hours each week sitting at my desk and "working." I can now acknowledge what I need to do and sit down and complete it. With my newly developed habits studying has never been easier! THank you very much Jed :D

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5 star rating

Feeling way more confident!

Matilda Oakes

This course has made me realise how easy it is to be motivated to study, I now have the motivation to consistently study every afternoon after school (which ...

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This course has made me realise how easy it is to be motivated to study, I now have the motivation to consistently study every afternoon after school (which never used to happen), and will hopefully start to see change in my results to the point of being proud of the effort I put in for year 12. If you really want to change your study habits I would highly recommend this course.

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5 star rating

Great Course

Bek Drewitt

I really enjoyed watching these videos and taking notes on how to help master my motivation. So many thanks to Jed for taking the time to invest in this for ...

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I really enjoyed watching these videos and taking notes on how to help master my motivation. So many thanks to Jed for taking the time to invest in this for students.

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5 star rating

Great Foundation

James Kasovski

This course has helped me be able to motivate myself and stay motivated. I believe this is a great foundation for the other courses Jed has to offer and I ca...

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This course has helped me be able to motivate myself and stay motivated. I believe this is a great foundation for the other courses Jed has to offer and I can't wait to start the even better course, study smarter, not harder!

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5 star rating

A game-changer

Christina Bunney

Before taking this course I was achieving high marks at the cost of low marks in other subjects I thought it was the only "way." No matter where your marks o...

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Before taking this course I was achieving high marks at the cost of low marks in other subjects I thought it was the only "way." No matter where your marks or studying skills are this course is perfect for everyone. Not only has it altered my perspective on studying but I've started to pursue my dream hobby of writing.

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5 star rating

Millie Dennett

Changed the way I view studying. Educating me on how to have a life and taught me that you can do well in school without having your head stuck in a book 24/7.

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Changed the way I view studying. Educating me on how to have a life and taught me that you can do well in school without having your head stuck in a book 24/7.

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5 star rating

Day 1 review

Connor McMaster

It's really good, I already feel even more motivated and energised to study now that I have a motivator that's concrete. This is gonna help so much, I alread...

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It's really good, I already feel even more motivated and energised to study now that I have a motivator that's concrete. This is gonna help so much, I already know!

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5 star rating


Ben Ferguson

Very good

Very good

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What do my students say?

Here's some messages my students have sent me after completing the course:

> Christian said that my course increased his motivation by 29%

> Jahliana said that my course increased her motivation by 125%

> Christina said that my course lowered her stress by 86%

> My course helped Iyad improve both his motivation and his confidence to a 9/10!

> Matilda said that my course increased her motivation by 125%> Emanuel said that my course increased his motivation by 167% and his confidence by 167%

Based on my entry and exit surveys, the average student who completes the course gains the following benefits:

  • 36% increase in motivation to do schoolwork.

  • 43% reduction in stress levels.

  • 16% boost in confidence related to achieving their desired grades.

My name’s Jed Herne, and I graduated in 2015 with a 99.4 ATAR.

My results were high enough to win 3 scholarships to Curtin University, where I ended up winning the Vice Chancellor’s Award in recognition of being in the top 1% of all students on the campus.

But it wasn’t always like that.

I remember sitting in a parent-teacher review in Year 9. I was scoring low-60s in Biology.

“He’s not trying hard enough,” said my teacher. “I don’t think he gets it.”

That moment lit a fire in me.

See, I’d always been a decent student.

But my teacher was right.

I’d been slacking.

I’d been taking things easy.

I’d been lazy.

In that moment, I resolved to prove that teacher wrong.

I resolved to commit myself to seriously putting the time into studying – something I’d never really done before.

I resolved to become a motivated student who did the work.

Of course, it wasn’t as easy as just deciding to become motivated. (I wish it was!)

No. I tried dozens of different methods to ‘crack the motivation code.’

I asked other successful students.

I asked teachers I trusted.

I read books and articles on productivity. Time management. Psychology.

And, after a lot of trial and error, it worked.

I developed the ability to sit down, ignore all distractions, easily smash out my work, and then leave to do other things I wanted to do.

No late nights.

No procrastinating on my phone.

Just the ability to do exactly what I set my mind to – even if it was hard.

For example: while my fellow classmates struggled to even revise their notes, I wrote something like 30+ practice essays in year 12.

In the exam revision period, I did more than 10 full 3-hour maths exams.

And more than 10 3-hour physics exams.

The crazy thing? It didn’t even feel hard.

It felt effortless.

How could I go from low-60s in Biology to casually doing 3-hour practice exams for fun?

And, more importantly: graduating with a 99.4 ATAR and winning 3 scholarships. 

It’s not because I was smarter than my classmates. Or more ‘gifted.’

It’s because I learned how to direct my motivation power, so that I could train myself to enjoy doing hard things.

The best part? Because I was so motivated to get my work done on schedule, I had plenty of time for other activities. For instance, I:

  • Never studied later than 9pm in year 12.

  • Played sport on Saturday mornings, and had two training sessions during the week (yup, also in year 12!).

  • Did about 270 hours of community service across year 11 & 12.

  • Had plenty of time to hang out with my family and friends.

I don’t say this to impress you.

I say this to IMPRESS UPON YOU what’s possible. 

Because if I did it, so can you.

That thought was running through my mind in the middle of 2016 – my first year after graduating high school.

It was my first tutoring session with John.

He was the younger brother of one of my best friends.

And he was failing English.

Sure, I’d motivated myself to succeed in school and boost my grades.

But could I do the same for him?

We worked together every week.

I reflected on my high school experience. On my study techniques. What had worked? What had gone wrong?

Slowly, I started to see change.

He went from being disinterested to gradually becoming more excited about English – because I’d shown him that he could change. That he could grow.

And after his final exam, he texted me the result.

He’d passed!

I took another student from the low 30% range to scoring in the mid-60s – and overall, he went from failing his subject, to passing.

I helped another student get so much confidence in her subject that she said the final maths exam was ‘easy.’ And her results backed it up!

But there was a problem: university was getting busy, and I was running out of time to do tutoring, even though I enjoyed it, and even though it got amazing results. 

That’s why I created The ATAR Blueprint in 2017.

I wanted to take what I taught in-person, clean it up and improve it, then package it into high-quality, highly effective, step-by-step online courses – so that everyone can benefit from what I’ve learned (not just the few people I got to see in person).

And it was a hit!

Since 2017, more than 700 students have joined my online courses.

And they've gone on to achieve fantastic results!

Here’s what some students have said about my other courses:

"Hey mate, just wanted to let you know that I got my English mock exam back today, and I topped the composing section (93%) for the year, and finished with an overall 75% for the exam (which I’m really happy with). Just wanted to thank you because you helped me so much; your videos, your personal help and everything else! Thanks dude!!" - Alex Murray

"An amazing resource to further your use of language and analysis when writing Literature essays! The Frankenstein notes and the sample essay have helped so much to take my analysis and interpretations to a new level!" - Kirsty McMaster

It’s a huge privilege to know that my courses have touched the lives of hundreds of students.

I’m extraordinarily proud of what my other courses have done for students.

But I realised there was a missing piece.

I realised I didn’t teach anything about motivation

Sure, I taught bits and pieces in my other courses, but nothing in-depth. My other courses were really only for students who were already motivated. 

That meant that so many students were missing out, because they didn’t have the motivation to join those courses in the first place!

See, motivation is the fuel for everything you do.

So I realised that I had to make a course that would teach students how to direct their motivational power to better serve them.



Transform yourself into a more motivated student in just 4 days. Simply click the button to enter the course right now.

MASTER YOUR MOTIVATION is an online course that will give you a step-by-step system for radically transforming your motivation. It uses everything I’ve learned from:

  • Achieving a 99.4 ATAR.

  • Winning 3 scholarships to study at Curtin University (where I won the Vice Chancellor’s Award for being in the top 1% of all students).

  • Tutoring multiple students in-person, and taking them from failing their subjects to passing with ease.

  • Teaching more than 600 students how to improve their grades through my other online courses.

  • Reading 50+ books and taking multiple courses about productivity, psychology, peak performance, effective studying, and more. I've spent $1000s to study this.

Master Your Motivation is perfect for you if you are:

  • Ashamed at how easily you get distracted.

  • Stressed at how you can’t keep up with your workload.

  • Guilty that your procrastination is disappointing your parents, your teachers, and yourself.

  • Angry at your lack of work ethic.

  • Fearful that you’ll never be able to accomplish your goals.

  • An already-high-achieving student who wants to go to the next level.

Master Your Motivation will transform you into a student who:

  • Achieves top grades.

  • Has less stress, tension or anxiety – because you can easily motivate yourself to get things done ahead of time.

  • Feels calm and confident going into tests, knowing that you’ve put in the work to prepare.

  • Has plenty of time to hang out with friends, play sports, or pursue hobbies, because you can easily get your schoolwork done in a short space of time.

  • Feels happier, more self-assured, and better equipped to experience life on your own terms.

Sounds good?

I hope so! I truly have put all my effort into developing a course that is tailor-made for improving the motivation of high school students.

There’s a lot of ‘motivational resources’ out there that are general in nature. Not this. 

This course looks at the specific motivational challenges that high school students experience, and provides lessons and actions to solve those specific challenges.

I know that you’re busy. You don’t have time to go through 30 hours of videos.

You want results.

You want them fast.

And that’s exactly what this course will provide: the highest-quality, highest-leverage, biggest-bang-for-your-buck methods for supercharging and directing your motivational power to better serve your life.

What's Inside the Course?

  • 1

    Day 1: How to train yourself to easily do hard things

    • (START HERE) Welcome to Master Your Motivation!

    • Understanding your Current Motivational Abilities

    • Self-Reflection Exercise

    • Understanding (and Hacking) Your Personal Psychology

    • The Dickens Process

  • 2

    Day 2: The Secret to Lasting Motivation

    • Avoid these 4 Common Motivational Mistakes

    • 4 Steps to Create Truly Lasting Motivation

    • 4 Steps to Lasting Motivation - Checklist

  • 3

    Day 3: Gaining Abundant Energy: The Fuel of Motivation

    • 5 Pillars to Gaining Abundant Energy

  • 4

    Day 4: Eliminating Procrastination & Destroying Distraction

    • Structure Beats Discipline

    • How to Avoid Distraction and Procrastination

    • Priming yourself and your Environment for Success

    • Creating an Ideal Schoolwork Environment

  • 5

    Course Conclusion

    • Course Wrap-Up

    • Final Reflection Exercise


Just click the button to enter the course.

I conducted a comprehensive survey asking dozens of students about their schooling experience.

I asked: what obstacles are preventing you from achieving better grades?

The answer?


That was the biggest obstacle to achieving better grades.

Now, this survey was general in nature.

I had no plans to make a course about motivation for students – until I saw the results from this survey.

This survey made me realise that students were crying out for a guide to better motivation. After all, motivation is the fuel that powers everything else in your life.

If you’re not running on good-quality fuel, you won’t get far.  

That’s what this course provides:

High quality fuel to live a high-quality life.

Like I said before, this course involves 20 minutes of videos + actions each day, for just 4 days. That’s less than 1.5 hours in total.

If this course increases your motivation and your grades by even 5% … isn’t that worth an hour and a half of your time?

And the cool thing is: if you go through the course and do all the exercises, I’m confident that you will see an even BIGGER improvement in your grades and motivation.

Imagine how it would feel to improve your grades by 10-20%. Think about how that would:

  • Help with your stress, anxiety, and mental health.

  • Improve your self-confidence.

  • Make your parents and teachers proud.

  • Help you enter your dream university course.

  • Free up time to socialise, relax, and just enjoy life more.


In the past, students have paid me $1000s of dollars to teach this stuff to them as a tutor.

Was it worthwhile? Heck yes!

I had students go from scoring in the low 30% range to instead achieve marks in the high 60s.

And, more importantly, my lessons stopped them from being anxious, stressed-out procrastinators, and instead helped them become confident achievers.  

But even though I could price this course at well over $100, it really pains me to see students struggle with a lack of motivation.

Because motivation is literally the fuel of life. 

Without the ability to direct your motivation, how can you expect to do well at school? How can you expect to live a good life?

That’s why Master Your Motivation is just $15 for a limited time.

Yup, that’s right. My system for revolutionising your mindset and learning how to achieve your goals is the price of two coffees.

Plus, you get lifetime access to all future updates - free of charge.

What's more, I'm prepared to make this completely risk-free for you.

Why am I including this?

Well, I want this course to boost your grades to the point where your investment in this is a no-brainer.

So I’m including a huge guarantee.

Because I want you to know how confident I am in Master Your Motivation:

If by the end of Master Your Motivation you decide that this isn’t a fantastic investment, just email [email protected] within 14 days of purchase and I'll give you a 100% refund - no questions asked.

You don’t have to explain.

You don’t need to convince me.

Some people might think this is a crazy guarantee (Jed, what if you get ripped off!?). 

It actually COSTS ME a small transaction fee to deliver refunds. 

But I don't care. My reason is simple:

If this course doesn’t help you do better at school, I don’t want to take your money.

(And just for context, only 2 students have ever asked me for a refund across all my courses, which I've been more than happy to deliver. Only 2 refunds out of 700+ total enrolments tells me that I must be doing something right!)

What this means is that you can watch every video and get every drop of my knowledge, and if you don’t think I’ve delivered above and beyond, you can still get 100% of your money back.

THAT is how confident I am in the value of Master Your Motivation.

And I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is and make this 100% risk-free for you.

So let’s do this!


Just click the button to unlock the course.

This course will help you master your motivation in the easiest & quickest way possible:

  • 4 days to Master Motivation

    The course contains 4 modules. They take about 20 minutes each. Aim to complete 1 module per day. (Saying that, you can do the course at whatever speed you want - but I suggest 1 module a day for 4 days.)

  • Engaging, simple video lessons

    Each module has an engaging, simple, practical video lesson, where I will outline my comprehensive strategies for redirecting your motivational power to better serve your life.

  • Exercises to help you take action

    Along with the video lesson, each module contains simple exercises. These help you apply the principles taught in the videos, so that you can master the skill of motivation.

Students and parents have paid significant money for my tutoring in the past.

And even though the course is only $15 now, it will likely become more expensive in the future – but if you join now, you’ll have lifetime access to all future updates, for free.

So, please: make the most of this.

Either sign up to the course and commit to doing all the actions, or don’t bother signing up in the first place.

I’ve made those actions as easy and simple as possible, but at the end of the day, you still have to decide:

Will you accept your current levels of grades, procrastination, and stress? Will you allow your current habits to keep hurting you?

Or will you challenge yourself to be better, join the course, complete the exercises, and Master Your Motivation?

If you're ready for lasting change, just click the button below to join the course.

This will take you to a sign-up page where you can purchase the course.

Once you do that, you’ll have LIFETIME access to this course.

See you on the inside!


Just click the button to unlock the course.


  • How do I know this works?

    120+ students have joined Master Your Motivation. On average, students who complete the course improve their motivation to study by 36%, reduce their stress by 43%, and improve their self-confidence by 16%. Those figures aren't made up. They come from surveying students at the start and end of the course. So if those numbers sound like something you'd like, then go ahead and join the course :). However, please remember that this course is not a magic bullet. It only works if YOU put in the work. That means watching all the videos and completing all the exercises. Fortunately, I’ve made this as easy as possible. Just 20 minutes a day, for 4 days, and you’ll be sorted!

  • How is this different to in-person tutoring?

    In an hour of tutoring, you might be lucky to get 1 or 2 gems of really useful information. Plus, even if you DO have a useful tutoring session, you might forget what they told you the next day. That’s not the case with Master Your Motivation. I’ve taken concepts that would require 4-8 tutoring sessions to fully articulate and understand, and have compressed them into 4 simple, 20-minute modules. Quality, not quantity. Unlike in-person tutoring, all the videos are replayable. Trying to really master a core concept? Just watch the video again. That’s not something you can do with in-person tutors. Also, I don’t know about you, but there’s not many traditional tutors who have taught 600+ students. But that’s exactly what I’ve done through my online courses. That’s given me the experience to know that my stuff works – as long as you complete all the videos and put in the work. If you don’t put in the work, no change will happen. Fortunately, I’ve designed this course to be as easy and quick as possible, so putting in the work will be dead easy :).

  • I’m a teacher, and I’d like to use this for my class/school.

    Awesome! Either share this page with your students, or email [email protected] if you’d like to get bulk licenses of this course (or any of my other courses).